Over the past couple of months, I've been kicking around an idea. Not an original one, I'll admit, but one that has persisted nonetheless. I've documented my tentative foray into Blogosphere elsewhere (link). But perhaps the most interesting aspect of my blogging has been the extent and nature of interaction with fellow bloggers. I'm fascintated by the concept that despite ourselves and this seemingly low contact medium, we reveal more about ourselves than we realise. Human interaction in all its guises finds a path through word verification, blogrolling and the like. Maybe this is just the genius of blogging and I'm only just realising it.
The other aspect of blogging which has infuriated me, is the hackneyed description that is common among the print media that blogging is 'an online diary'.
I'd like to undertake an exploration of this aspect of blogger interaction through this blog. I propose writing a short description of my blogging experience and would appreciate input/contribution from those who my blog has touch/moved/annoyed. If you are interested in providing a sporadic response (something like 200-300 word every fortnight, at your leisure) that gives your reaction or feedback, I'd be delighted to hear from you on paigeDOTharrisonATgmailDOTcom.
My half-baked concept is that this exercise would develop into a collaborative writing exercise that explores blogging from numerous perspectives. I'd propose a fairly democratic 'ownership' of the content (i.e. joint ownership by all contributors).
If this post elicits sufficent response, I'll map out an initial scoping document. If it doesn't, I'll get the message!
Friday, January 5, 2007
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I'd be up for the idea Paige. I'm pretty sure I could squeez 300 words out on a subject that piques my interest.
What will be 'sufficient' response, I ask myself...
I'm signing up. Delightedly. Knowing that you are more into quality than quantity.
The idea will prove itself in practice.
The activity will grow more attractive according as it takes tangible form.
A rolling stone gathers more and more moss until, eventually, it becomes a mountain.
Inter Alia, you are a gem.
If you think I'm so enthusiastic that I might put other people off, delete this comment. I won't be offended.
It's a very good idea. I'm sorry I've stumbled on to it two months late. But I'm happy to help.
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